Orflo Technologies is a life sciences company developing and marketing powerful yet simple instrumentation to the cell and protein analysis industries. At the core of Orflo’s instrumentation is a patent protected µFlow Cell Cassette. Through the unique combination of impedance (Coulter Principle) and fluorescence based flow Cytometry Orflo’s instruments provide an informative and intuitive window into cell analysis by directly measuring fluorescence and cell volume simultaneously. This coupled with the industry leading ease of use, affordability, elimination of all fluidics and maintenance will enable a significant increase in the pace of experimentation, testing and ultimately discovery.
The first product developed by ORFLO was licensed to a third-party and launched in 2010 as the first of its kind hand-held cell counter. After this product received many industry awards for innovation, and high accolades from the user community, ORFLO looked to extend, single use cell counting to flow cytometry and multiplex bead based assays for cell and protein research. With the launch of the Moxi Flow and zEPI Flow platforms ORFLO’s offering enables researchers to run powerful cell and protein analysis; apoptosis, multiplexedflow cytometry, viability, RFP transfection efficiency checks, Cell Cycle, phagocytosis, multiplexed cytokine analysis, right in their hood, with little to no training required.
ORFLO continues to innovate and build on their extensive patent portfolio, keeping their mission as their number one priority, “Increasing your pace of discovery.”
For more details, please visit: ORFLO